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Japan, China, Taiwan Tour 2019
Argentina 2019
April 11-12 - Galla Concerts in Mendoza - celebration of the opening of the newly renovated Mendoza Theatre. In Buenos Aires April 15th, made a CD titled "Christine Walevska and Friends" with Dany Goldstein recording Argentine composers now available on the web.

Tour Coverage
The lovely looking superb cellist Christine Walevska proved herself to be in the highest level of knowledge and finesse of the style (Boccherini). Her success was acknowledged with stormy applause. –Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
The sonority of her notes is beautiful and polished; her musicality is innate; her technique is the product of a natural ability cultivated to the highest degree. She knows how to govern a generous temperament with intensity and elegance simultaneously harmonizing the most noble cavata with dramatic eloquence whenever necessary.
–Ricardo Turro, La Razon, Buenos Aires
In the Concertgebouw, Christine Walevska proved to be nothing less than a revelation. A magnificent musician, the flowing melodious charm of her inner-propelled playing was laced with an intensity which not only spurred the orchestra and conductor to excellent performance, but also held the public under her spell.
–Het Parool, Amsterdam
A strikingly talented artist. Her tone was as smoothly gracious as that of an ensemble. Her style was strongly expressive.
–Raymond Ericson, The New York Times
“Walevska’s Cello Ignites Pair of Haydn Concertos”
Something beautiful has happened to the cello. Her name is Christine Walevska. This American cellist is one of the joys of music making today, and in the realm of her own instrument there are few active performers who can even approach her art.
–Lawrence B. Johnson, Milwaukee Sentinel
It requires a Paganini-like virtuosity to bring it off (Chopin), and that Miss Walevska undoubtedly has. She ripped thru the piece with a zest that I have rarely heard equaled by anyone on the concert stage.
–Jacob Siskind, the Gazette, Montreal
She parallels on the cello the singular persuasiveness of Fritz Kreisler on the violin.
–Los Angeles Herald-Examiner
“Extraordinary Sonority of Christine Walevska”
…sensational cellist, her interpretation of the Dvorak was perfect, her virtuosity is of the very first order.
–El Heraldo, Mexico City
“Fascinating Playing by Christine Walevska”
Her tone was extraordinarily beautiful, engrossing from start to finish. Her playing was captivating. Visually her playing is of the utmost simplicity, the trademark of her performance.
–Twentsche Courant, The Hague
“An Alternative To Rostropovich”
Christine Walevska’s technique is stupendous. She plays with long singing phrases and noble tone.
–Reinhard Beuth, Die Welt
“Die Walevska ist ein Phanomen auf dem Cello”
Walevska was a real sensation. She played with such deep musicality and transporting impetus that her audience applauded frantically….the aggressive vivacity of her playing and the unfolding of such powerful musical energies constituted a unique event. A real triumph.
–Landeszeitung, Hannover
…one of the warmest standing ovations we have ever seen in our media. She obtains a sonority with her admirable bow technique that exalts. Instead of producing sound, sang with a deep and emotive sentiment. Something that escapes the common. This is an artist who will touch the world with that art, which she controls in such and elevated way. The most exquisite poetry of the music seems to incarnate her.
–Papel Literario, Caracas
It may be that it is unfair to other cellists to be as lovely to look at as is Christine Walevska, but that is their misfortune and our luck. She plays her richly toned instrument with lyricism, tenderness and grace, and the entire concert ended an evening of ripe cello artistry.
–Edmund C. Wilkes, The Japan Times, Tokyo
This woman has much presence and allure. She plays the cello admirably and the tableau is perfect. In these works of Vivaldi and Couperin she proves exquisite qualities off sound and musicality.
–Claude Pascal, Le Figaro, Paris
Also as a superstar on the podium, the soloist with the Dortmund Philharmonic, Christine Walevska played the Boccherini Cello Concerto without the disturbance of traditional routine and virtuosic mannerism, but in an ideal togetherness with the orchestra of distinguished Chamber music making. A brilliant solo cello encore followed thunderous applause.
“Brilliant Playing by Christine Walevska”
… she enjoyed a huge and well-deserved success with the Schumann Concerto, playing superbly in matchless fashion, technically flawless, and with temperamental abandon. This concerto is avers to virtuoso display, because the only valid performance must be based on purely poetic concepts. This was clearly the aim of this great artist. In the truest sense of the word, she held the audience spellbound from the first note to the last.
–De Rotterdammer
… she displayed an inordinately high degree of both technical skill and interpretive stylishness. Her tone was remarkably rich in the lower register and unusually full in the upper; and her phrasing was superb.
–Roy M. Close, the Minneapolis Star
Skrowaczewski’s guest artist, Christine Walevska...played with a big tone, technique to burn and plenty of temperament.
–St. Paul Pioneer Press, Minnesota
She tore into the bristling fireworks of the piece with immense spirit. Such compositions by definition, seek to exploit all the technical razzle-dazzle of an instrument. Miss Walevska met every challenge with ease.
–Paul Hume, Washington Post
Despite her youth Christine Walevska is among the world’s greatest artists. Her playing transports us. We no longer carry life’s weights: this is interior flight, the soul’s rejoicing, language of love…She is a unique cellist, “irrepertible”.
–Leopoldo Chiappo, La Prensa, Lima, Peru
Hats off to Christine Walevska…her intonation and rhythmic articulation are unerring, and her tone is warm without ever becoming soupy and self-indulgent…I found her playing full of warmth and strength in the best sense of the word.
–David Hall, Stereo Review
“Cellist, Philharmonic Superb”
The young woman on the stage “could have been Miss America” someone in the audience remarked last night. But if Miss Walevska possessed physical attractions, they were surpassed by her musical performance. Walevska with superb backing from Zinman, captured all the romanticism of Dvorak, projecting the passion without ever overdoing it, lending poetic touches and, in the long coda of the finale, making it sound as though she and the composer were trying to describe heaven.
–George H. Kimball, The Times Union, Rochester
Quite directly this is one of the top cello recordings in the catalogue. Miss Walevska has an extraordinary sensibility to expressive content, yet she never forces the point. There are elegance and dignity at every turn. Her passion is one of inner longings, not overt displays of emotive exaggerations. To this add a singing tone, variety of color and total technical control.
–Heuwell Tircuit, San Francisco Chronicle
Miss Walevska’s playing of the Prokofiev is thrilling. She gives it a wonderful and luxurious performance. A marvelously gifted artist. I love her playing.
–Enos E. Shupp, The New Records
“Evening filled With Joy in the Concert Hall”
Walevska’s cello tone is sensuously song-like of rich quality. She was the great surprise of the evening, and artist we want to her more of.
–Lief Aare, Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm
In the Dvorak, the wide lyric passages became unusual experiences through the grand and luscious sound she produces on her beautiful instrument. Summarizing we must say rarely did we hear the concerto played with such intensity and power of expression.
–Runschau am Rhein, Bonn
… Revealing interpretation … finesse, power and virtuosity. A beautiful discovery.
–Paris Match
Walevska who conquered the Santiago public on previous visits, continue to confirm her exceptional talents: stupendous facility, beautiful and convincing phrasing, sonorous, graceful and sensitive expressivity.
–El Mercurio, Santiago de Chile
Walevska’s cello tone was unfailingly rich and warm, the pitch was right on the button even in tricky passages and she had a broad range of color and spirit with which to vary her interpretations. The recital of this first class artist was a pleasure from every standpoint.
–Allen Hughes, The New York Times
It is rare for a critic to feel the icy fingers of an instrumentalist’s playing on his spine, but I did when listening to this recording of the Schumann and Shelomo by Christine Walevska. The effect of being moved deeply is in a way an icy experience…There is that masterful technique of hers that leaves nothing to be desired; there is that marvelous bow arm; there is that pure, warm, melting tone that can bite and cut when needed. There is a creamy caressing in here tone and yet there is an unforced inner intensity that few instrumentalists can muster. The romantic Schumann Concerto engages her extraordinary elegance of projection, besides her virtuosity. And her playing of the elegiac parts is so full of heart and dignity that you get the shivers listening to them.
–Boris Nelson, president of American Critics Association
“Cellist Creates Furor With The Rotterdam Philharmonic”
The big event of the final evening Philharmonic concert in De Doelen was the appearance of cellist Christine Walevska. She is a thorough artist with a wholly individual approach to the cello. She plays with unexcelled tone and sincere musical dedication. Each musical idea becomes through her a magnificent thrill and sublime inspiration. Schumann’s Concerto she played with deeply moving temperament, wholly controlled, and in exemplary collaboration with the Rotterdam Philharmonic under Fournet.
–Rotterdam Het Parool
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